The 75th Annual Pitch & Hit Club of Chicago awards banquet will be held on January 22 at the Tinley Park Convention Center, returning after a two year hiatus. The doors will open at 3:30pm, with dinner and the awards program beginning at 5pm. The banquet is open to the public and tickets can be purchased at the next monthly meeting or will be available soon at Prior to the banquet, select award winners will be available for autographs.
Ticket prices will remain at $80 per ticket and $775 for a table of 10. The Club wants the banquet to remain affordable to the baseball community and fans, in spite of increased costs across the country.
Monthly Pitch & Hit meetings will be held on the following dates:
November 10th 6:30pm at Coom’s Corner in Lockport
November 29th 6:30pm TBD
A light meal will be provided at each meeting, along with a short presentation by a guest speaker. You do not need to be a Pitch & Hit Club member to attend monthly meetings. You can sign up to be a member at or fill out a membership form and pay dues at a monthly meeting or the annual banquet.About the Pitch & Hit Club of Chicago: The Pitch and Hit Club of Chicago is a professional baseball organization that promotes the game of baseball in the Chicago area. The Pitch and Hit Club was formed by a group of Major League players and scouts in January of 1942, originally as a social organization. The mission of the Pitch and Hit Club is to be a preeminent baseball organization by recognizing and honoring the achievements of those in the baseball community.